Hi, this is Sandra Henry-Stocker, author of the “Unix as a Second Language” blog on NetworkWorld.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the wget command that makes downloading pages from web sites – even recursively – very easy. In this first example, we’re going to download a single web page:
Keep in mind that this command downloads whatever html code defines the page. If you want your downloaded files to be stored in a site-specific directory, use the -P option to give it a name.
Depending on a site’s settings, using a -r option, you may be able to download a site recursively. wget does this by following the links it finds in the pages. Just be aware that you might be downloading a lot of content. Commands like this can, however, provide an easy way to download a web site for archival purposes.
With -l, you can limit the depth of directories that wget will reach into.
If a download is going to take a long time, you can use -b to download the files in the background. You’ll see something like this:
The wget command can also be used to download packages. To get the latest version of wordpress, for example, you could use a command like this:
That’s your Linux tip for the wget command. If you have questions or would like to suggest a topic, please add a comment below. And don’t forget to subscribe to the IDG Tech(talk) channel on YouTube.
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